Mauna Loa McEntire Morgan
Mauna Loa McEntire Morgan, beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother, returned to her Heavenly Father on March 20, 2020. She was born to James A. and Sarah O. McEntire. She lived in Clearfield and Layton. She graduated from Davis High School. She worked as a civil service at IRS and HAFB for many years. She love and passion was raising her family.
In 1949 Mauna and Malcolm married in the Salt Lake Temple. They shared many adventure and trials together raising seven children.
Mauna found her greatest joys in being a faithful member of her church and in being the matriarch of her family. She held many church callings in her life and loved writing about her faith and family in her daily journal entries. She spent many years completing the family genealogy. You could never visit Mauna without her asking how you were doing and her offering to put you in her prayers. She and Malcolm raised seven children and they were her pride and joy. Although, they didn’t have much she taught through her example the value of hard work and loving each other especially in times of strife. She was firm, kind, gentle, but most of all, she learned musical instruments and singing. She has passed music on her grand children, great-grandchildren and extended family.
Mauna loved to share stories of her youth with her grandchildren and their children. She lived to see so many changes in the world from the horse and buggy, first car, first radio, TV, first computer, internet, social media and more. She could tell a story about each one when asked and always related them back to family. The many memories she put to pen in her journal are a valued family treasure and blessing to be able to share her legacy. Her story now continues on with her friends and family in Heaven.
Mauna is survived by her children: Dauna Morgan Jones, Sallyanne Morgan, Rex M Morgan, Calvin M Morgan, and Chris A Morgan, (Julie); and grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren and nieces, nephew in her extended family.
Mauna is preceded in death by her parents, her husband Malcolm, her nine siblings, and her two children; Gaylen Edward Morgan (son) and Aulenen Elizabeth Morgan (daughter)
Thank you to the many friends, church members, medical aids, doctors and family, that helped care for Mauna in recent years. It meant the world to her to be able to remain in her home as matriarch of her family. For us, her family seeing the smile on her face with each visit has been a blessing that will not be forgotten. We love you Mauna. Rest in peace until we meet again.
Mauna loved the Gospel and music all her life.
Her brother, Willie, Taught Mauna to play the pump organ and her father James Arthur McEntire had Mauna take lessons each summer from the Tabernacle Choir Conductor for piano and then also organ. Similarly, she had music conducting lessons.
In High School at Davis High School Mauna played the Cornet and French Horn and performed in the Davis HS Marching Band, marching in the Utah State Parades on the 4th and 24th of July in the heat of the summer in her wool marching band uniform. Also, every school athletic game and concerts.
Mauna was the pianist for the ward Sunday school classes to exit their respective classrooms as we were growing up.
Mauna Loa would work in the fields on her family, hoeing sugar beets and other crops with her sisters. While weeding and working throughout the days, Mauna learned to yodel and would yodel while she worked. She also enjoyed yodeling with her children.
As Mauna’s daughter Dauna was to begin fourth grade in public school, Dauna brought home an announcement about learning to play the violin. This was the beginning of Mauna realizing her own family quartet of Violin, Viola, Cello, and String Bass.
Mauna had piano lessons for each of us, her children, as we grew up with the teacher coming after school to teach piano lessons to each of us individually and then our teacher Dan Christiansen called his mother Roselyn to come pick him up.
Each of Mauna Loa’s children learned to play and perform piano and other instruments and organ. Performing string instruments in The Promised Valley summer productions in Salt Lake City, Community Orchestra concerts every week in Ogden, Kaysville, and Layton. As well as The New Symphony, the Mormon Youth Choir and Symphony in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, The Robert Lenz Youth Symphony, and in Arizona, Utah and other worldwide performances, Universities, and church performances, wedding receptions, and The Morgan String Quartet, Ogden Weber State Institute performances, and research and teaching vocal performance to medically damaged trauma victims who healed other severe injuries and could not speak in cooperation with Weber State College Music Department Dr. Lyneer Smith and McKay-Dee Hospital physicians and other professionals to help trauma victims learn to speak through singing; the first research program worldwide.
Mauna sang in her ward choir and was the Ward Choir President for many years until she could no longer walk. But she faithfully attended choir rehearsals and called each choir member to invite them, to come to ward choir practices and performance in ward and other church meetings.
Dauna, Sallyanne, Gaylen, Rex, Aulene, Calvin, and Chris all learned and performed music and professional performances due to Mauna Loa’s love and dedicated music in her life, home, and her entire life.
Memories of grandma:
LOVE. . . She loves her family ABOVE ALL ELSE!!! When I was young, I ALWAYS knew that my Mom loved me, no matter what. She was and still is a GREAT Mom. She always puts her family first. - When I was a young boy, she would rub/scratch my back in church and while she read to us from the Ensign or the Scriptures. The Gospel is VERY important to her and she wanted her family to learn the Gospel and live it in their lives. - She made Family Home Evenings FUN by playing games or having activities where she would play the piano, while having us march around the room (remember the marching song)? - She encouraged each of us to learn a musical instrument and sing if we wanted to. - She was/is ALWAYS kind and loving to everyone, no matter what. - She LOVED to have everyone over to eat and visit on Sundays, Birthdays, Holidays etc. She liked fixing grilled cheese sandwiches, cheesy potatoes and casseroles of many varieties. And for desert, she would give everyone pie cake or a BIG bowl of ICE CREAME in whatever flavor they wanted, usually either “Death By Chocolate” or “German Chocolate”. And, she would go around the room and ask everyone if they wanted more. I think she did this, because she wanted her family to be close and to visit her OFTEN. - She loved to take pictures and home movies of us kids (and Grand Kids). Then, get together and view them when we would come over to visit her. I remember one time when we took her to Lymann Lake with us to stay at the lodge/cabins for a few days. She rode in the canoe with Rex and Angela and took some videos of us all while canoeing. When they got to the dock, another camper wanting to get in a canoe at the dock was impatient and wound up swamping her canoe and getting her all wet. Her camera got wet and ruined it, but Rex was able to retrieve/restore the video from it. However, that was the last time she went camping and it put an end to her taking videos of the family for a long time. 8. She liked to go garage sale hunting with her friends like Joyce Wall (McClerg). She picked up a lot of bargains that came in very useful over the years. - She liked to have FUN. . .When I was a boy, she liked to take us kids on picnics on holidays, especially on Memorial Day. And then go visit all of our ancestor’s graves at the various graveyards in Kaysville, Ogden and North Ogden. Some years, we would go to the graveyards first and other years we would go on the picnic first. - She encouraged us kids learn and try doing just about anything of interested to us, like going Skiing, hiking, camping etc. - She encouraged us to learn how to work while growing up. She helped us get jobs working for neighbors and family friends etc. I remember when I worked for Beech Adams on his farm, she would help get me up at 3:30am so I could go bail hay while the dew was still on it. Sometimes she would have me take Todd with me to work and I would let him ride on the tractor with me; and help me feed the horses etc. Then at lunch, we would come home to have some of Granny’s famous grilled cheese sandwiches and ice cream, while Todd would tell her all about the fun adventures he had on the farm (those were the good old days – we had lots of fun). - When I was young, whenever I was sick or hurt, she was always right there trying to help me feel better. - She loves to have her Grand Kids (and Great Grand Kids) visit, as well as babysit them when they were little. (Chris Morgan)
We both enjoyed sewing and she was always interested in the projects that I made. She and I would go shopping for patterns and she always knew where the best deals were- she buying multiples of the same pattern. Also, she bought fabric, a lot of it !!! If you go down to her basement you will find both fabric and patterns left from those glory days. I loved to show her the finished project because she always seemed to take a delight in them. - She was an avid learner/reader. She was always reading and participating in many classes with her friends at the institute and other places. We were really proud of her when she graduated from Institute. I am not sure how old she was either 70’s or 80’s.- In our early years of marriage and when our older kids where little, she was found to be with her camera or recording video of Birthdays, and special events and holiday - She liked to go for rides in the mountains and would bring a lot of food for the picnic.- She like to cook for her family. When she served ice cream it was usually a huge bowl of it. I don’t think she knew what single size servings were�- She spent many hours coping her father’s journals onto the computer so family could have them. These journals meant so much to her. - Writing in her journal daily was very important to her. She would share special events with us out of her journal. - I enjoyed the stories she shared about her earlier years growing up during World War II. She had many interesting jobs in her early years. - She loved music and was a wonderful audience for the girls to perform in front of her. - There are many many others but probable the one that stands out most is her love for her family and unselfish service to them. She always put her family first and sacrificed much for their needs and wants. Also, her love of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. She loved the gospel and lived it. (Julie Morgan)
Angela: A memory I think Angela would share is the time she went with Grandma to yard sales and at one they visited was the cutest little kittens. Somehow Angela talked grandma into letting her bring one of the kittens with her home. This was the sweetest little kitten, I had ever seen.
Joshua: I think Josh would say his favorite memories are those of the big bowls of Ice cream and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Megan: My fav memory is that everytime id come over when I was 4 to 7, she would always give me a strawberry drink that was my fav and we would drink it together
She would sing and play the piano for us when she'd babysit. I remember her playing the March song on the piano, singing "dance with the dolly with a hole in her stocking" and "mares eat oats" song. She tell us stories about growing up and singing Opera in the fields and how she'd yodel. One time a few years ago we had her yodel for us and her teeth popped out!! ������I remember eating cheese sandwiches with her and cheesy shell pasta while we watched " Fancy Pants" with Bob Hope. She taught me how to dip my cheese sandwiches in my hot chocolate- it was really tasty that way! I remember all the good food she'd make. I loved her cheesy potatoes and grilled cheese. She made the best French toast! I also really liked her tortilla chip and hamburger casserole- I still need to get the recipe. I remember going garage sale hopping on Saturdays looking for cool things. She had always enjoyed hearing about my music performances and would listen as I'd show her what music we were doing. She has been a good example of treasuring the gift of the Gospel in her life. She encouraged me to go to seminary and institute. She actually attended my seminary graduation. She again encouraged/supported my desire to serve a mission. Because of her financial help I was able to serve my Mission. I am very touched and grateful for her help! She's been such a tremendous blessing (Jessica Morgan)
I remember doing sleepovers with grandma and her rubbing my back until I fell asleep. It was so awesome. I love having my back rubbed. I remember she used to make us grilled cheese and toast and hot chocolate and she taught us to dunk our toast in the hot chocolate. ������ I remember going to institute with her. She was the oldest person in the class and I was the youngest. I admired her desire to be constantly learning about the gospel. I remember she loved going to institute. I remember going shopping with her to the bargain stores like Kings and her letting me pick out a treat. I remember going garage sale hopping with her. It was so much fun! I loved hearing her tell stories about life when she was growing up, about her grandma and her aunt who made her dresses. I enjoyed hearing about her trip to Hawaii with her mom. I thought she was pretty bad A when she told me about how she worked in a factory doing some sort of electrical work on parts. I’ve always admired her love and dedication to her family and to the gospel. She is a wonderful example to me of a virtuous daughter of God who has spent her life in the service of others.( Kristie Acker)
Oh Lordy ! So so many!
She’s never spoke ill of anyone ever!
She was always serving and giving of her time and efforts
My fave meal was/ is cheese pancakes with homemade syrup
Sitting in the very back of her old station wagon waving at all the passer by
Going grocery shopping with her is my all time fav !! She would by all the treats and juice in the whole store
She taught me to pray, read my scriptures and sing!
She is my hero(Jasmine)
The Marching Song, Antelope Island, Piano & Organ duets at church, sewing stuff for Aulene, Shuffle off to buffalo, Loving us all (Rex)
Wonderful Person and a great cook (Calvin)
She and dad made sure we all had private music lessons. She encouraged music and reading. I think we all could read before 1st grade. It's because of Mauna that Michelle and I will be at a Utah symphony concert on her birthday. When I was in high school she came home with the music for Beethoven violin concerto. She had heard it played on the radio and liked it. She wanted me to play it. I remember how happy she was to have found the music for me. (Dauna)
I remember when Jason and I were really little we were helping grandma in the garden. She sat Jason down on the end of the row and I was helping her in between the raspberries and grapes. Jason kept crying and really started screaming. She took us both in the house and when she changed his diaper, he had been sitting on a red ant mound and had red ants in his pants! Grandma screamed and said "oh wonder he was crying....he's got ants on his bum" he had red bites. It was funny. I also remember she used to tell me stories about her as a girl my age when I was younger...she told me they didn’t have toilet paper and used news paper instead and that shit was what they called cow pies so it wasn’t a bad word growing up on the farm. LOL! She is very scared of mice too! Any time a mouse was in the house shed jump up on a chair and squeal....EEEWWWHH Malcolm get it !! (Heather)
That as a kid I used to have to pay attention to what milk I drank out of because grandma probably put Gaylen’s anti crazy meds in one of the milks; That’s grandma was giving me aspirin as a kid that had expired when my mom was a kid: It was pretty neat that grandma mowed her own lawn after 80 years old. (Jason Jones)
When we are visiting her she doses off asleep. ;) I loved how she taught Kierra to play the Piano (Pon)
Favorite memories with grandma : sewing projects with her. She'd take us to Joann's and we got to look through all of the pattern books, it was so fun! She'd let us pick out patterns and material we wanted. My senior year of high school, she helped me design/alter my prom dress and it was gorgeous!
Playing piano with grandma was really fun! I loved to hear her play her favorite tunes while she sang along. She also taught me a lot of what I know about music and how to play the piano. Grandma and I played a four-hand piano duet together in sacrament meeting once. It was a lot of fun!
I love my memories of playing beauty parlor together. Especially after I went to beauty school. We'd talk and laugh while I colored and cut her hair, gave her pedicures, manicures, etc. She was the reason I was able to complete beauty school. Whenever I had a empty day, she'd come down and let me work on her. One day I did multiple full sets of nails on her, one right after the other. Put them on, soak them off, etc.
I love the example grandma has set for us of going to the temple. I will never forget how she and mom were there for me for my first time. ❤ also, once she and I went together for an endowment session. That was very special! The giggles, talking, spiritual moments, helping her dress. I think that was possibly the last time she was able to go.
Grandma is one of my best friends, and I used to call her often to get advice or just to have a listening ear. Now it is more difficult for us to talk, but she really enjoys seeing my kiddos via Skype. This is how she was given the nickname "grandma Skype". My kids love talking to her and I love that they at least get to see her and know who she is that way. I remember going to garage sales with her and Joyce Wall. It was so fun and I felt so special tagging along. I learned directions and how to find addresses this way, and I also learned how to bargain and find hidden treasures.
One thing I really admire about grandma is her consistency and determination in journal writing. I am so grateful for her example in keeping a journal and I love knowing that my kids will have stories to read about Grandma Skype.
Grandma taught me the importance of knowledge. Even after traditional school years, she was seeking out ways to learn. She even attended institute classes with her girlfriends. I was able to go with them on occasion and felt very special as I was the only child there and everyone gave me lots of attention. I learned a lot going with her, and I still remember her eagerness and excitement to share what she learned with the whole family when she got home.
Grandma has taught me the importance of family relationships. Her example of staying close to her siblings enabled me to have a close relationship with my great aunts and uncles. One of her very best friends was her sister Marie. She got together regularly with her siblings and their spouses. At times I was able to tag along. I remember eating at cracker barrel together. Even after one of grandma's sisters became ill, they took the gathering to her at her care facility.
I love Grandma's love for pictures. Pictures tell the best stories and have some of the best memories tied to them. I have fond memories of sitting with grandma as she shared stories with me and showed me all of her treasured pictures. One year she gave all of the grandkids a gift of their pictures she had collected of them over the years. I got to help her put those books together and it was so much fun! This was the way I was able to have any pictures of my dad and of me as a baby. It was a very special gift.
Grandma was known for her hospitality and always making sure others were fed and happy. Some of my favorite things she'd make were cinnamon toast, cheese pancakes, her famous potatoes and cheese, her homemade maple syrup, Mexican casserole, and I loved the rare occasions she would make hamburgers.
I have many wonderful memories with Grandma. But what I really love the most is her love of the Savior and knowledge of the gospel. She is very forgiving, always thinks about others over herself, and loves you unconditionally.
Reign :"she's beautiful", "everyday when she's wearing her clothes, it's pretty too" "her hair is pretty" "I like everything that she says to me"
Eve:"I like when she skypes with me and I like her playing with me" "she likes ninja turtles"
Maik'el loves seeing grandma when we Skype.
Justin: She's always been really caring and loving. She always wants to feed you.
I love her for helping Liv become who she is.
Grandma Grandma Grandma.... I got my wish, the most amazing person in my life. Most kids only get to spend a weekend or so at one time at grandma's enjoying the warm stove homemade popcorn potatoes and cheese sledding and of course cheese pancakes for breakfast. However my stay at grandma's lasted eighteen years. Thank you for all that you have taught me and still teaching me. A few words that come to mind are passion, persistence, caring, and love. Working hard in the garden, putting everyone's needs before your own, (even the animals). Music, singing, piano, even violin. You love to share your talents with everyone. My favorite is night time songs a bushel a peck and a hug around your neck I LOVE YOU! Thanks for being the best grandma ever! (Todd)
Colton: Best grilled cheese, waits for us after school.
Kayden, Always smiling, potatoes and cheese
Alec: Always feed us and sang to us, Sledding
Jace: Best potatoes and cheese, grilled cheese and Best 2 footed driver,
Michelle: Funny, Loves making Jokes, I love to read to her.
Mauna (after the first few months of a girl calling a boy J) always excepted me into your family as if I was one of your own. She was always more than willing to babysit my kids no matter how easy or hard they were. I loved seeing her at Bowmans. She would always come and ask me what she should do for the family get together. She would also buy (sometimes multiples) of the huge 5 lb blocks of cheese. Some of my favorite times with her have been the last few years while I have helped her with her IV. It forced me to slow down for a half hour at a time and just enjoy her…the one on one time was great. I love your example and your unwavering faith in the Gospel. I love you for helping raise an amazing man who is very selfless and loves you dearly.(I think he may have gotten some of your stubbornness…J) Aulene Loved you so much and was so very appreciative for everything you did for her until the very end even if she didn’t always share that with you. Thank you for keeping me on my toes with Michelles nurses. (Julie Duffin)
We Love You!
Mauna Loa Morgan
You are the greatest Mother, Grandmother in the world.
93 Things (or maybe more) we love about you
for your 93rd Birthday
LOVE - Always puts her family first - Rub/scratch backs - Your absolute love and dedication for the Gospel - Fun Family Home Evenings - Your Love for Music - Activities where you would play the piano, while having us march around the room (remember the marching song) - You encouraged each of us to learn a musical instrument and sing - Kind and loving to everyone, Sundays, Birthdays, Holidays visits and food - Grilled cheese sandwiches - Cheesy potatoes and casseroles of many varieties - BIG bowls of ice Cream - You always took pictures and home movies of us kids and Grand Kids - Lymann lake – Camping - Going garage sale hunting with Joyce - She liked to have FUN – Picnics - Memorial Day Graves - You enjoyed sewing - Shopping for patterns and always knew where the best deals were - Buying multiples of the same pattern-and fabric - You are an avid learner/reader - Graduating from Institute - Copying your Dads Journal - Writing in your journal daily - Sharing your journals with us - You were always a wonderful audience for performances of any kind - Unselfish service to her family - Doesn’t speak ill of others - You are always serving and giving - Cheese pancakes with homemade syrup - Sitting in your old station wagon and waving at all the people passing by - Going grocery shopping - You taught us to pray, read our scriptures and sing - Helping with her garden - When seeing a mouse you would jump up on a chair and squealing....EEEWWWHH Malcolm get it! - You helped me design/alter my prom dress and it was gorgeous! - You would sing and play the piano for us when you would babysit - Dance with the dolly with a hole in her stocking - Mares eat oats - Stories about growing up and singing Opera in the fields - You yodeling - Cheesy shell pasta while we watched " Fancy Pants" with Bob Hope - Dipping cheese sandwiches in hot chocolate - The best French toast - Mexican Casserole - You mowing your lawn until you were 87 - Drinking strawberry drinks together - Playing piano with us - You would play your favorite tunes while you sang along - Taught me a lot of what I know about music and how to play the piano - Playing a four-hand piano duet together in sacrament meeting once - Playing beauty parlor together, Especially after I went to beauty school - We'd talk and laugh while I colored and cut your hair, gave you pedicures, manicures, etc. - Letting me do multiple full sets of nails on you, one right after the other - going to the temple - The giggles, talking, spiritual moments, helping her dress - Getting advice or just having a listening ear - Your beautiful - I like it when she skypes with me - I like her playing with me - She likes ninja turtles - Loving and caring - Always wants to feed you - Family relationships - Your example of staying close to your siblings - Getting together with Marie - sharing your pictures and stories with me - Cinnamon toast - Potatoes and cheese - Grilled cheese and root beer - Mayo on burritos - Drawers of powdered milk - Sleepovers in your bed - Shopping at bargain stores like Kings and Grocery Outlet - Circling all the deals in the shopping ads - Coming into Bowmans and buying the biggest blocks of cheese you could - Helping raise multiple grandkids - Babysitting the great grandkids - Passion, persistence, caring – Love - Working hard - Putting everyone’s needs ahead of yours (including the animals) – Music – Singing – Violin - Singing bushel and a peck - Enjoying the warm stove - Homemade popcorn – Sledding - Gaylens daily lunches - Sitting for hours upon hours with Aulene – Stubbornness - Funny - Loves making jokes - Wonderful person - Treats everyone great - Great cook - Smiling with dentures - Spitting out your dentures when you sneeze J - The marching song - Antelope Island - Piano & Organ Duets at church - Shuffle off to Buffalo - Watching for us after school - Best 2 footed driver in the world - Nobody can make potatoes and cheese like Grandma – You are always smiling - Appreciation of anything you do for her - Never gives up - Always watching devotionals on TV - Knowledge and love for all family history - Letting us take funny pictures of you - Always feeding us and singing to us -
With Love,
Your Family!
Private family only service will be held at 11:00 a.m. Friday, March 27, 2020 at Lindquist’s Layton Mortuary, 1867 No. Fairfield Rd., Layton, Utah. There will be a family only viewing from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. at the mortuary.
Due to the current restrictions on public gatherings a live broadcast stream and a delayed video will be available via the Lindquist Mortuary link.
We are very grateful for the many friends, extended families, and health care professionals that have helped her.
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